With a variety of news, reality and drama programs, there's a little something for everyone.
Take a look below at the lineup
Single mom Christy has her hands full with two children, Violet and Roscoe, and maintaining newfound sobriety, when her passive-aggressive, recovering-alcoholic mother re-enters the picture, brimming with criticisms about Christy's life. As the daughter works to be the best mother she can and to overcome mistakes she made, she must also navigate dysfunctional relationships with her married lover -- and boss -- Gabriel, and with her irresponsible ex-husband, Baxter. Despite the uphill battle, Christy tries to be positive and to stay on the path to what she wants in life.
Elizabeth Stanton’s Great Big World
Elizabeth Stanton has spent her life traveling the world. Now she's doing it with her celebrity friends on "Elizabeth Stanton's Great Big World." In their travels, Stanton and the celebrities explore other cultures, learn about history and find opportunities to help people in need. Among the locations visited in the weekly series are Nicaragua, London and Vietnam, as well as U.S. locations such as Florida and Mississippi
Laura McKenzie’s Traveler
For two decades, Laura McKenzie has become known as one of the nation's top travel correspondents, reporting for notable TV and radio shows across the country. Now on her own show, McKenzie travels to first-class destinations around the world to bring those far-off destinations to viewers in their own living rooms. From China's Forbidden City to New Orleans, McKenzie showcases exciting features from each location she visits.
Dog Tales
Dogs are said to be man's best friend so is it a surprise that there's a weekly show dedicated to dogs and the people who love them? That's what "Dog Tales" is all about. The show, aimed at teenagers, features information on dogs of all shapes, sizes and breeds while also informing young people on how to properly care for pets. It also provides safety, health and training tips that are useful for different breeds of dogs as well as emphasizing responsible pet ownership and compassion for all living creatures.
Three young men and three young women -- of the BFF kind -- live in the same apartment complex and face life and love in New York. They're not above sticking their noses into one another's business and swapping romantic partners, which always leads to the kind of hilarity average people will never experience -- especially during breakups.
Ron Hazelton's HouseCalls
TV host and author Ron Hazelton hosts this series in which he performs how-to demonstrations that homeowners can do as part of do-it-yourself home improvement projects. Hazelton offers step-by-step instructions so homeowners with average DIY skills can complete the project correctly on the first try. The home improvement expert helps homeowners with every kind of DIY project -- yes, even the proverbial kitchen sink.
Major Crimes
When "The Closer" came to a close, doors opened for the detectives in the Los Angeles Police Department's Major Crimes Division, with the biggest opportunity presented to Capt. Sharon Raydor. The captain is now the boss, taking over a department that hasn't forgotten her history of internal investigations targeting them and their former boss, Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson. As Raydor attempts to mend fences and gain the trust and confidence of her detectives -- her biggest foe in that regard is Lt. Provenza -- she leads a unit that works more closely than Johnson ever did with other police and prosecutors to build airtight cases.